電影轉換好幫手, 免費的 HandBrake

HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows.

Supported sources:

  • Any DVD-like source: VIDEO_TS folder, DVD image or real DVD (unencrypted--protection methods including CSS are not supported internally and must be handled externally with third-party software and libraries), and some .VOB and .TS files
  • Most any multimedia file it can get libavformat to read and libavcodec to decode.


  • File format: MP4, MKV, AVI or OGM
  • Video: MPEG-4, H.264, or Theora (1 or 2 passes or constant quantizer/rate encoding)
  • Audio: AAC, MP3, Vorbis or AC-3 pass-through (supports encoding of several audio tracks)

Misc features:

  • Chapter selection
  • Basic subtitle support (burned into the picture)
  • Integrated bitrate calculator
  • Picture deinterlacing, cropping and scaling
  • Grayscale encoding

HandBrake 以往只支持由 DVD 轉成如 avi, mp4 之類的格式, 而最新版本已不限於以 DVD 為 source.

HandBrake 主畫面, 先選擇 source, 圖中為原隻 dvd 光碟, 會自行設定 video_ts folder:


揀好source 後, 可從右邊 menu 揀轉換後的格式. 已有幾種預設值, 如 psp, ipop 等等:

再按個人喜好, 設定音效, 如要保留 5.1 效果, 要揀 AC3, 即 pass through. HandBrake 亦支持多聲道, 即轉檔後檔案可多於一條聲軌. 但字幕 (subtitle) 方面只可以包含一種語言, 而且轉換後的字幕係"燒"成o左嚮套片上面, 即唔可以唔顯示亦唔可以調較顯示位置高低:

video 方面可揀用不同 encoder, 如 h.264, mpeg-4 等. format (container) 可選 mpeg4, avi, mkv, m4v 及 ogm. 想慳時間的話唔好用 h.264 同 2-pass encoding

設定好以後可正式按 "Start" 開始轉換程序. HandBrake 亦可以進行多檔案 (batch) 轉換, 只要每設定好一個source 後, 按 "Add to Queue", HandBrake 就會遂個遂個幫你轉檔.

免費好用, 官方網為 : http://handbrake.fr/
這裡下載 : 下載文件 HandBrake-0.9.3-Win_GUI.exe (6.22 MB)
